AltWeeklies Wire
Rise Against Stealth-Markets Entertainment as Activismnew

What would a band like Rise Against do without a war or two to bellow about, anyway, or Interscope to sell hardcore all the way into the mainstream? It's entertainment, stealth-marketed to your conscience, but it's nothing that'll ever bring an end to torture.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
06-08-2009 |
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Tom Morello Explores Activism and Despair as the Nightwatchmannew
What's interesting about the Nightwatchman's new album, The Fabled City, is its development away from the stark polemics and rudimentary arrangements of the 2007 debut One Man Revolution.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
11-04-2008 |
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The New Pornographers' Adult Entertainernew
The New Pornographers' Carl Newman trades hooks for a daring, grownup sound, and waits for the rest of us to catch up.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
08-29-2008 |
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Gallows Keeps it Old Schoolnew
The U.K. buzz band offers proof that hardcore has finally take root in present-day Britain.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
01-25-2008 |
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Tags: Gallows, Orchestra of Wolves
Jon Spencer Knows Heavy Trash is Confusingnew
Taking their inspiration -- and title -- from the 1926 autobiography of itinerant petty crook Jack Black, the men of Heavy Trash go for strip-club grind and analog-tape manipulation, allowing Spencer to deliver a hilarious but spooky sermon on post-9/11 America.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
11-19-2007 |
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Maroon 5 Hits the Sweet Spot Between Money and Mojonew
Maroon 5 isn't one of the biggest bands on earth because of its content. Adam Levine's lyrics are primed for rhythm and sound; the subject matter doesn't extend much beyond breakup testimonials and soft-focus relationship angst.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
11-02-2007 |
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Slash the Guitar Hero III Avatarnew
Scandal seekers would find a disappointing lack of in-fighting in Velvet Revolver's ranks, he says.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
09-07-2007 |
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Tags: Velvet Revolver, Libertad
Ryan Adams Kicks Drugs and Looks Forwardnew
The notoriously pugnacious musician doesn't like journalists much, but that doesn't stop him from discussing drugs, drinking, and on-stage meltdowns.
The Georgia Straight |
Adrian Mack |
07-26-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Ryan Adams