AAN News

Cuba Tours and Travel Offers 5-Day Trip for AAN Members

Cuba Tours and Travel is offering a five-day professional research trip to Cuba which concludes in Miami in time for members to attend the AAN convention in July. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  03-06-2013  12:40 pm  |  Conference News

Seven Days Named as One of Ten Newspapers 'That Do It Right' by E&Pnew

Vermont's Seven Days has earned a spot on Editor & Publisher's annual "10 Newspapers That Do It Right" list.
Editor & Publisher  |  03-04-2013  5:06 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

'I'm Thrilled for the Future of Alt-Weeklies'new

In a chat with the Journalism Accelerator last week, AAN Executive Director Tiffany Shackelford talked about the future of alt-weeklies and the return to all things local.
Journalism Accelerator  |  03-04-2013  11:28 am  |  Industry News

Washington City Paper Reporter Volunteers as Washington Post Ombudsmannew

Washington City Paper staff writer Will Sommer has named Will Sommer as the next ombudsman of the Washington Post.
Washington City Paper  |  03-04-2013  4:00 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

Tom Tomorrow Wins Herblock Prize for Editorial Cartooningnew

This Modern World creator Dan Perkins said he is "very pleased that the genre of alt-weekly cartoons is increasingly being recognized."
Herb Block Foundation  |  03-04-2013  12:45 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

San Antonio Current Hires New Editor-in-Chief

San Antonio Current has named Callie Enlow as its Editor-in-Chief. (FULL STORY)
San Antonio Current  |  03-01-2013  4:15 pm  |  Press Releases

Santa Clara County Official Faces Five Felony Counts in Wake of Metro Silicon Valley Investigation

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors President George Shirakawa resigned this morning after being charged with five felony counts of misusing public funds and perjury. (FULL STORY)
Metro Silicon Valley  |  03-01-2013  4:04 pm  |  Press Releases

Media Oxpecker: The Service Industry

Can the growing marketing/digital services industry help stabilize newspapers? (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  03-01-2013  12:11 pm  |  Media Roundup

Seattle Weekly Nominated for Bert Greene Award

An article by former Seattle Weekly editor Mike Seely is nominated in the Writing About Beverages category. (FULL STORY)
Seattle Weekly  |  03-01-2013  5:47 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

AAN Launches Monthly Free Speech Chat

AAN's Free Speech committee is introducing a great new member service: First Amendment Wednesday, a monthly AAN Free Speech conversation amongst members, and Kevin Goldberg, AAN's attorney and Legal Hotline representative. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-28-2013  3:18 pm  |  Association News

Public-Records Fight Continues Between the Santa Fe Reporter and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martineznew

The latest round of wrangling over a public-records complaint the Santa Fe Reporter filed last year may have serious implications for transparency in New Mexico.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  02-27-2013  2:41 pm  |  Industry News

Maui Time Editor Releases Noir-Themed Nonfiction Collection

'Stealing Cars With The Pros' is a collection of noir-themed nonfiction from Anthony Pigataro's time at OC Weekly and Maui Time. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-27-2013  2:20 pm  |  Industry News

Free Webinars for Financial Managers Provided by Aysling

Aysling is offering a series of free webinars which detail the costs to install and maintain widely-used systems such as WoodWing's Enterprise System, Elvis DAM, and Adobe DPS. (FULL STORY)
Aysling  |  02-27-2013  11:30 am  |  Industry News

Webinar: Environmental Coverage in the News

The Project for Improved Environmental Coverage (PIEC) will be coordinating a webinar on environmental coverage in the news and looking at what role AAN members can play in advancing progress. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-27-2013  8:00 am  |  Association News

Alternative News Industry Confab Heads to Miami, July 11-13

The Association of Alternative Newsmedia is taking its talents to the InterContinental Hotel in Miami for its 2013 Annual Convention, July 11 — 13. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-25-2013  2:00 pm  |  Conference News
