AAN News
Fast Forward Weekly Wins Five Provincial Awards
Calgary's Fast Forward Weekly had a strong showing at the recent Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association awards.
Fast Forward Weekly |
06-13-2013 2:52 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Fast Forward Weekly
Your Miami Questions Answered

Find out where to eat, drink, and get your cheap thrills in Miami during the AAN Convention.
06-12-2013 11:30 am |
Conference News
Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) goes live with Lineup Systems’ AdPoint to kick-start new advertising strategy in record time
Lineup Systems LTD |
06-11-2013 1:07 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Lineup Systems LTD
AAN Convention Early Registration Ends Friday

The member registration rate is just $199 for first person, $199 for the second person from the same paper, $101 for the third person and nothing, that's right, nothing for any additional staffers. Early registration ends June 14.
06-10-2013 11:00 am |
Conference News
Media Oxpecker: June 7, 2013

Rounding up media news you may have missed this week.
06-07-2013 11:45 am |
Media Roundup
Honolulu Weekly Closesnew
Maui Time |
06-07-2013 12:00 pm |
Industry News
San Diego CityBeat Announces Staff Changesnew

Editor David Rolland announced that San Diego CityBeat will have a new music editor, film critic, and news writer.
San Diego CityBeat |
06-05-2013 3:10 pm |
Industry News
Tags: San Diego CityBeat
AAN Names 2013 Convention Scholarship Recipients

The scholarships provide funds for travel and lodging, and the recipients will have their conference registration fee waived.
06-04-2013 3:30 pm |
Conference News
Media Oxpecker: May 31, 2013

The gap between where eyeballs are (mobile) and where ad dollars are going (print); the New York Times puts sponsored content into its city guide app; and BuzzFeed plans to make viral hits out of CNN's video content.
05-31-2013 1:00 pm |
Media Roundup
AAN 'First Wednesday' Free Speech Chat on June 5

First Wednesday Free Speech is a monthly conversation amongst AAN members and the AAN Legal Hotline Attorney, Kevin M. Goldberg.
05-30-2013 12:00 pm |
Association News
Alt-Weeklies in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah Win Regional SPJ Awards

Boulder Weekly, Colorado Springs Independent, Salt Lake City Weekly, and the Santa Fe Reporter picked up awards in the Top of the Rockies contest.
05-29-2013 3:30 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Limited Sponsorship and Exhibitor Spots Remaining for 2013 AAN Convention

The AAN Annual Convention is a must-attend event for businesses, entrepreneurs, and content providers that serve the alternative publishing industry.
05-28-2013 2:35 pm |
Conference News
Former Metro Times Culture Editor Dies in Car Crash

Sarah Klein, a former culture editor at Metro Times in Detroit was involved in a fatal car accident on Sunday while traveling with her husband south of San Francisco. Klein was 36 years old.
Metro Times |
05-28-2013 6:00 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Metro Times
Longtime Chico News & Review Editor Robert Speer Retiresnew

Speer co-founded Chico News & Review in 1977 and has served the paper in various capacities for over 30 years.
News & Review |
05-28-2013 3:40 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Chico News & Review, Robert Speer
AAN Releases 'Best Alternative Longform Journalism' eBook

'Best Alternative Longform Journalism' features the longform winners of AAN's annual journalism contest and is available exclusively through Longform.org.
05-24-2013 11:30 am |
Association News