AAN News

Missoula Independent adds Josh Quick's "Camp Sleepover" comic strip

Quick's quirky, original and instantly recognizable work debuted in the Aug. 29 issue and appears weekly in the Missoula Independent's pages. (FULL STORY)
Missoula Independent  |  09-03-2013  1:30 pm  |  Press Releases

Rachel Maddow: 'Arkansas Times Should be Considered for a Pulitzer'

Maddow praised the Arkansas Times for its "excellent and indispensable" coverage of the Mayflower Oil Spill. (FULL STORY)
NBC  |  08-30-2013  4:00 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

Two Former Alt-Weekly Editors Talk Shop on Radio Shownew

Former Santa Fe Reporter editor Julia Goldberg, now the host of the Julia Goldberg Morning Show, chats with outgoing editor Alexa Schirtzinger about her time as editor of the paper.
SantaFe.com  |  08-30-2013  2:40 pm  |  Industry News

Media Oxpecker: August 30, 2013

AAN  |  08-30-2013  2:00 pm  |  Media Roundup

Small Market, Big Storytelling: A Multimedia Opus for the Rest of Usnew

C-Ville Weekly is out to prove that even smaller-market publications without an in-house development team can produce digital journalism that is attractive, accessible, and affordable.
C-Ville  |  08-28-2013  10:00 am  |  Industry News

Times-Shamrock Puts Alt-Weekly Division Up For Sale

The Times-­Shamrock Communications alternative weekly division includes Baltimore City Paper, Cleveland Scene, Metro Times, Orlando Weekly, and San Antonio Current. (FULL STORY)
Times-Shamrock  |  08-26-2013  1:25 pm  |  Press Releases

Legal Corner: Unhappy Interns Up In Arms About Unpaid Internshipsnew

Spate of litigation, with more to come, raises questions about possible realignment of traditional relationship with interns.
CommLawBlog  |  08-26-2013  11:00 am  |  Legal News

Gambit Uses Augmented Reality for 'Best of New Orleans' Covernew

The winners of Gambit's 2013 Best of New Orleans come to life when the cover is scanned using the Layar app.
Gambit  |  08-26-2013  4:30 pm  |  Industry News

AAN Partners with the Media Consortium on Reproductive Justice Reporting Project

The Seattle-based Quixote Foundation is funding a collaboration between Media Consortium members and AAN members to increase the impact of news stories and investigative reports focused on reproductive justice. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  08-21-2013  1:30 pm  |  Association News

Santa Fe Reporter Wins Open Government Awardnew

The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government named the paper among the recipients of its William S. Dixon First Amendment Freedom Awards.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  08-16-2013  4:26 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

LEO Weekly Editor Sarah Kelley Resignsnew

Kelley chose to resign rather than eliminate a staff position.
WFPL  |  08-16-2013  3:02 pm  |  Industry News

Media Oxpecker: Go Home Silicon Valley, You're Drunk

How to raise $6.5 million in Silicon Valley. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  08-16-2013  2:00 pm  |  Media Roundup

Santa Fe Reporter Names New Editornew

Julie Ann Grimm, a city reporter for the Santa Fe New Mexican, will replace outgoing editor Alexa Schirtzinger.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  08-13-2013  10:32 am  |  Industry News

OC Weekly Offers Reward to Find News Rack Assailantnew

Huntington Beach riot victim "Racky" was only two days away from retirement.
OC Weekly  |  08-13-2013  5:25 pm  |  Industry News

Houston Press, San Antonio Current, and Fort Worth Weekly Win Lone Star Awards

Terrence McCoy was named Print Journalist of the Year. (FULL STORY)
Houston Press Club  |  08-12-2013  3:30 pm  |  Honors & Achievements
