AAN News
It's All Journalism: Mr. Glaser goes to Washington; PBS MediaShift hosts open data event

Mark Glaser, editor of PBS MediaShift, has been covering the shifting media landscape for six years. Part of his mission is to bring new ideas about journalism innovation and startups to the masses.
It's All Journalism |
11-14-2014 11:30 am |
It's All Journalism
Continuing to Push Back Against the SAVE Act

We won't stop pushing back against what we consider to be an ill-considered solution to a terrible problem.
11-13-2014 1:00 pm |
Legal News
Phoenix Media/Communications Group Sells Portland Phoenixnew

The Maine alt-weekly was sold to Portland News Club LLC, which publishes the Portland Daily Sun.
Mainebiz |
11-13-2014 4:30 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Portland Phoenix
¡Ask a Mexican! Turns 10new

Gustavo Arellano's ¡Ask a Mexican! column began humbly in OC Weekly ten years ago this week.
LA Observed |
11-13-2014 11:40 am |
Honors & Achievements
Tom Cotton Campaign Bars Arkansas Times Editor From Press Callnew

Arkansas Times Senior Editor Max Brantley said he was surprised that he was on the campaign's press list in the first place.
Talking Points Memo |
11-11-2014 11:30 am |
Industry News
Tags: Arkansas Times, Max Brantley
AAN Argues for Maximum and Immediate Access to Documents Filed in Civil Courts
AAN and 25 other media organizations filed a brief arguing that a First Amendment right of access attaches to civil complaints when they are filed. The brief argued that the public has a right to know what matters are occupying space on court dockets and consuming public resources, and that complaints reveal a wealth of information about how citizens use the judicial branch.
11-11-2014 11:00 am |
Legal News
AAN Joins Letter to Attorney General and FBI Criticizing Impersonation of Journalists
The letter criticizes not only the endeavor itself but the agency's withholding of information in the face of questions about its actions.
11-07-2014 1:30 pm |
Legal News
Vince O'Hern Inducted Into Milwaukee Media Hall of Fame
The founder and former publisher of Madison's Isthmus was inducted to the Milwaukee Media Hall of Fame on October 24.
Isthmus |
11-07-2014 4:30 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Isthmus
It's All Journalism: Branded Content

The New York Times finds new life in old business model.
It's All Journalism |
11-07-2014 11:45 am |
It's All Journalism
AAN Joins Comments Regarding Proposed Department of Defense FOIA Rules
AAN was one of 13 organizations who jointly filed comments drafted by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in response to a DOD Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would affect the way requests filed by news media are processed, how quickly they are processed and how much you'd have to pay to get the records.
11-06-2014 11:00 am |
Legal News
Cygnus Business Media Sells Group to SouthComm

Cygnus Business Media today announced that it has sold a large group of publications to SouthComm, Inc.
SouthComm |
11-03-2014 4:00 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: SouthComm, Inc.
It's All Journalism: Crowdsourcing, Video Production and Covering Local News

Wrapping up coverage of the 2014 Online News Association Conference in Chicago.
It's All Journalism |
10-31-2014 12:00 pm |
It's All Journalism
Austin Chronicle Releases Annual Halloween Mask Featuring State Sen. Dan Patrick

Texas State Sen. Dan Patrick has based his entire career on terrifying Texas voters about one imaginary threat or another: immigrants, uppity women, ghost voters, whatever fantastical monster-under-the-bed he can use to promote his political advancement.
Austin Chronicle |
10-30-2014 3:20 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Austin Chronicle
AAN Fighting for FOIA

AAN was one of fifty organizations who sent a letter to President Obama asking for his commitment to certain basic principles regarding the Freedom of Information Act.
10-24-2014 1:15 pm |
Legal News
Dig Portland to Launch

Dig Publishing, LLC (parent company of alt-weekly media company Dig Boston) announced today that it will be launching a new company called Dig Portland.
Dig |
10-24-2014 10:50 am |
Press Releases
Tags: Dig Boston