AAN News
Seattle Weekly Names New Editorial Leadership Team
Village Voice Media news release |
08-27-2002 10:17 am |
Press Releases
Tags: Management, Seattle Weekly
Coe Named Seattle Weekly Publishernew
Terry Coe, former publisher of Riverfront Times, is the new publisher of Seattle Weekly, David Schneiderman, CEO of Village Voice Media announced today. Coe resigned from the St. Louis newsweekly in May after 17 years with the New Times organization.
Village Voice Media news release |
07-24-2002 5:32 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Management, Seattle Weekly
Seattle Weekly Names New Publisher
07-24-2002 4:56 pm |
Press Releases
AAN Founder Victim of Lung Cancer

Darrell Oldham, a co-founder of
Seattle Weekly and one of
AAN’s founders, passed away early
Saturday morning after a battle with lung
cancer. Oldham, who also spent a
decade at the Seattle Times, was a
beloved and respected mentor to
many in alternative newsweekly and
Seattle publishing circles.
AAN Staff |
02-14-2002 11:09 am |
Industry News
Tags: Seattle Weekly
Alt Wars in Seattlenew
The bare-knuckled battle between Seattle Weekly and The Stranger in the land of Starbucks is laid bare by Seattle Post-Intelligencer writer John Marshall. He looks into whether two alt-weeklies can survive in a city the size of Seattle and whether the Stranger's "performance-art" journalistic style can knock out the more upscale, serious Weekly.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
02-07-2002 3:52 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Seattle Weekly, The Stranger
Seattle Weekly Ad Director Steps Down

Jill Mogen, advertising director of
the Seattle Weekly, has left her
position, David Schneiderman, CEO of
Village Voice Media, says. Mogen had
been at the newspaper for more than 11
years and was the first president of
the Alternative Weekly Network in
1996-97. It is the second management
shakeup at a West Coast VVM paper this
month and follows Alisa
Cromer's resignation as publisher of
Seattle Weekly in November.
Schneiderman has said he wants to
spend more time personally
managing Seattle Weekly and LA/OC
Weekly. Cromer is now with Metro
Newspapers on an interim basis.
AAN Staff |
01-25-2002 5:35 pm |
Industry News
Dana Faust Joins Seattle Weeklynew
Village Voice Media names Dana Faust associate publisher/sales and marketing at Seattle Weekly. Faust has 18 years experience in display and classified advertising at The New York Times.
Village Voice Media news release |
01-11-2002 3:55 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Management, Seattle Weekly
Seattle Weekly Publisher Quits
Seattle Weekly Publisher Alisa
Cromer has resigned, citing
disagreements with Village Voice
Media management about how the
paper should be run. VVM CEO David
Schneiderman tells AAN News
Cromer's resignation "did not have to do
with any financial, budgetary, or
personnel issues." The shake-up means
Schneiderman will spend time out West
to oversee Seattle Weekly and LA Weekly,
while Group Publisher Albie Del
Favero will concentrate on papers in
Minneapolis, Cleveland and Nashville.
John Ferri |
11-28-2001 10:41 am |
Industry News
The Stranger Parodies Seattle Weekly Best-Ofnew
A photo of the marquee of a local nudie bar ("Breast of Seattle") graces the covers this week of both Seattle Weekly and The Stranger. For the Weekly, the photo illustrates the paper's annual "Best of Seattle" reader survey; for The Stranger, it fronts for "the Best of Kevin Jones' Apartment." Weekly publisher Alisa Cromer tells the Seattle Times, "It's like having an annoying younger brother repeating everything you say."
Seattle Times |
07-27-2001 11:49 am |
Industry News
Village Voice Media Reorganizes Management Ranks
Del Favero named group publisher; Howe resigns.
Rebekah Gleaves |
04-11-2001 11:50 am |
Industry News
New Editors Hired in LA and Seattle
West Coast Village Voice Media papers name newsroom heads.
Christine Iwan |
10-31-2000 11:50 am |
Industry News
Editors Leaving at Four AAN Papers
Newsrooms in Seattle, L.A., Pittsburgh and Broward-Palm Beach to lose editorial helmsmen.
Christine Iwan |
08-17-2000 11:49 am |
Industry News