AAN News
Political Editor George Howland Jr. Leaves Seattle Weeklynew
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (low in story) |
08-07-2006 10:32 am |
Industry News
M.E. Chuck Taylor Resigns From Seattle Weeklynew
The Stranger |
08-03-2006 7:06 am |
Industry News
Former Seattle Weekly Publisher Lands at Tiger Oak Publishingnew
Seattle Weekly |
07-31-2006 9:17 am |
Industry News
Seattle Weekly Will Take on New Times 'Look'new

Uncertainty about post-merger changes has led to multiple staff resignations at the Weekly, The Seattle Times reports. Most recently, Editor in Chief Knute Berger announced his departure, although he may continue to write for the paper. Publisher Kenny Stocker, who moved to Seattle Weekly from Riverfront Times last month, says that the new management doesn't have immediate plans for "wholesale changes," but the paper will take on some attributes common to the chain. "Some may say that's a cookie-cutter approach. All I can say is, it's worked in every market in the country," Stocker says.
The Seattle Times |
07-24-2006 7:15 am |
Industry News
Novelist Furst Appeared in Seattle Weekly First
Sunday's New York Times Book Review made note of the "devoted following" for Alan Furst's espionage thrillers -- but before he wrote bestsellers, Furst's fiction was serialized on the pages of Seattle Weekly. Editor-in-Chief Knute Berger reminds readers on his blog that the Weekly printed installments of two Furst novels in the late '70s.
07-21-2006 7:40 am |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Seattle Weekly
Seattle Weekly: Movie Based on Stranger Column Doesn't Sucknew
Seattle Weekly |
07-12-2006 10:28 am |
Industry News
Knute Berger Leaves Seattle Weekly After 15 Yearsnew
The Weekly's editor in chief tells the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that his autonomy has decreased since the merger between New Times and Village Voice Media, but that he was not forced out by the new ownership. Berger has left the alt-weekly twice before, each time to be asked back. Berger announced his resignation July 3 on his blog. "I've been through four ownership groups, five publishers, and have seen the paper into the online era. Now we're six months into the Village Voice/New Times merger era, and I've decided it's time to be a free-range mossback again," he wrote.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
07-06-2006 9:07 am |
Industry News
Feit: New Times' Frat-Boy, Hard-News Formula Is at Odds With Berger’s Hippie Vibenew
The Stranger |
07-06-2006 9:20 am |
Industry News
Seattle Weekly Editor Announces Resignationnew
Seattle Weekly |
07-05-2006 9:46 am |
Industry News
BusinessWeek Editor: I Was Unaware of the Seattle Weekly Covernew
Romenesko Misc. |
06-22-2006 6:40 am |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Seattle Weekly
BusinessWeek Cover Looks Familiar to Seattle Weeklynew

"Do journalists in New York do any original thinking at all?" asks Chuck Taylor, managing editor of Seattle Weekly. The paper's July 20, 2005 cover -- which just won a third-place AltWeekly Award for Illustration -- is remarkably similar to the cover of the most recent BusinessWeek. Both feature the banner headline "Bill Gates Gets Schooled" and depict Gates in a classroom.
Seattle Weekly |
06-21-2006 1:25 pm |
Industry News
Publisher Terry Coe Leaves Seattle Weekly to Join Creative Loafingnew

Creative Loafing Media CEO Ben Eason (pictured) has tapped Coe to become the Atlanta paper's fourth publisher in less than three years, according to a story on its Web site. The last publisher, Michael Sigman, only lasted 10 days. Coe worked for New Times, Inc., for 17 years and Village Voice Media for three years before the two companies merged last October. "I felt like the opportunities for me in Atlanta were going to be greater than they might be in this combined, larger company," he says. Coe will be focusing on building revenue and expanding the weekly's online presence; editorial content "is best left to the editors," he says. Eason has also hired a new associate publisher for the newspaper: David Schmall, formerly of Sacramento News & Review, Minneapolis's the Rake and the Dallas Morning News' free commuter daily, Quick.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
05-01-2006 7:41 am |
Industry News
Seattle Weekly Disinvited From Critics' Film Previewnew
Seattle Weekly |
04-19-2006 2:15 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Seattle Weekly
Seattle Weekly Hires New Music Editornew
Seattle Weekly |
03-30-2006 12:17 pm |
Industry News
Seattle Weekly's 'Dategirl' on Being Fired From the NY Press
In an interview with New York blog Gothamist, Judy McGuire dishes on her six years writing a dating advice column for Seattle Weekly -- and, until last October, writing a separate "Dategirl" column for the New York Press. On her separation from the Press, McGuire says, "Getting fired is never pleasant. I miss it, but frankly, I don't think that many people were reading the Press by that point anyway."
She also contrasts her dysfunctional life -- which is "in the grand tradition of advice columnists," she claims -- with the family-friendly ways of the author of Savage Love: "Dan Savage is the only well-adjusted one I can think of (though I’ve heard rumors)."
03-14-2006 3:13 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Seattle Weekly