AAN News
AAN Files Amicus Briefs in Two Cases

AAN has filed amicus briefs in two separate cases from different parts of the country because of the impact these cases could have on our members’ ability to report on issues of public concern.
06-02-2016 3:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN joins amicus brief supporting access to law enforcement data

AAN was one of 13 organization who jointly filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court in a case that will determine the breadth of access to data collected by California law enforcement agencies via automatic license plate readers.
05-10-2016 11:00 am |
Legal News
AAN joins amicus brief seeking rapid access to unsealed records
An automatic delay of press or public access to police video evidence – a delay of months, if not years – is a terrible precedent to set that is akin to no access at all.
04-25-2016 10:00 am |
Legal News
Labor Looking to Lift “Exempt Employee” Dollar Limits
Ranks of those eligible for minimum wage and time-and-a-half for overtime could swell with anticipated change in Department of Labor definition of “exempt employee”
Kevin M. Goldberg |
04-12-2016 7:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN Argues for Prompt Access to Civil Complaints
Timely access to court documents makes reporting more accurate, fair and complete and should be encouraged by courts.
03-30-2016 11:30 am |
Legal News
AAN Supports Continued Broad Right to Use Photos for News Purposes
AAN joined an amicus brief drafted by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in a case currently before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
03-21-2016 4:00 pm |
Legal News
Sunshine Week Could Bring Meaningful Change

Your voice does matter – your Senators care about what their hometown media think, so let them know what you think via calls, editorials, emails, and tweets.
03-10-2016 10:00 am |
Legal News
AAN Joins Media Coalition Challenge to the Constitutionality of 'Upstream' Surveillance

This case is important not only because of the general surveillance issues but also because of the effect on reporters.
03-03-2016 1:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN Weighs in on Supreme Court Audio
02-29-2016 5:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN Joins Fight for Access to Law Enforcement Video Footage
A case pending before the New Jersey Supreme Court dealing with access to security camera surveillance footage has significant ramifications with regard to access to law enforcement video.
02-01-2016 3:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN, Media Orgs Urge Florida Lawmakers to Reject Bills That Would Undermine Transparency
AAN and and 24 news organizations have written to Florida lawmakers urging them to reject two bills that would "substantially weaken Florida's Public Records Law" and "undermine the state's longstanding commitment to government transparency."
01-29-2016 5:00 pm |
Legal News
FOIA Reform Passes the House; Why You Should Care and Get Involved
On Monday the U.S. House passed HR 653, the FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act of 2015, a bill which would improve FOIA in many different ways.
01-13-2016 3:00 pm |
Legal News
AAN Supports Its Members’ Right to be Read by Prisoners
This is an important case that bears watching no matter where you are located.
12-18-2015 9:00 am |
Legal News
U.S. Postal Service Expands Marijuana-Ad Ban to All 50 Statesnew
Willamette Week |
12-17-2015 3:31 pm |
Legal News
AAN Drafts Open Letter on Restrictive Credentialing Agreements
Performing artists and event venues are becoming even bolder in what they exact in return for granting reporters, photographers and videographers access.
11-12-2015 12:00 pm |
Legal News