AltWeeklies Wire

The Baker's Edge Pannew

This maze-like device makes every piece an edge piece.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  06-14-2007  |  Food+Drink

Disturbingly Hilarious

When Cindy married Frank in the early 1980s, she thought she was getting a sweet deal: He was cute, 17 years her junior and in a band whose single was climbing the charts.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  03-27-2007  |  Reviews

Offbeat Comedy About Adult Swim Class Explores Human Fear

This gentle, offbeat comedy about an adult swim class explores fear, grief and the loss of control without drowning in gloom.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  03-26-2007  |  Reviews

Stylish Flick Captures Small-Town Reality

This film captures a group of college friends who drift apart and come to grips with the harsh realities of adulthood.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  03-26-2007  |  Reviews

Fall of the Ramen Empirenew

The man who launched a million MSG headaches -- Momofuku Ando, the inventor of instant ramen -- died Jan. 5, in Osaka, Japan.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  02-01-2007  |  Food+Drink

Not Enough Indiannew

A review of Orlando area Indian restaurant Khasiyat.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  01-18-2007  |  Food+Drink

The American Road Movie, in Frenchnew

Simultaneously mysterious and mundane, the debut film from French-Moroccan director Ismael Ferroukhi holds up a mirror to the American road movie.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  09-15-2006  |  Reviews

Opposites Attract the Eyenew

While Noguchi's design work was right in step with his peers, his sculptures display a yearning for meaning.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  01-26-2006  |  Art

Tough Lovenew

The typical boy-meets-girl romantic comedy is given an upgrade when it's suicide attempts that bring two people together. They marry each other to get away, and -- surprise, surprise -- fall in love.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young  |  07-14-2005  |  Reviews

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