Medium is Looking for Alt-Weekly Freelancers, Correspondents (Paid)

march 31, 2014  11:00 am
Medium is Looking for Alt-Weekly Freelancers, Correspondents (Paid)
By Corey Hutchins

In the coming weeks, I'll be setting up a politics and public affairs collection at Medium and we're looking for solid, smart writers who might be a good fit as steady freelance correspondents.

If you're interested in writing for Medium once in a while, drop me a line and we can talk about it. My background is in alt-weeklies, and it's that kind of writing and reporting with texture, context, color and narrative style I'd like to bring to our new collection.

We'll be looking for stories in your area that you feel should be getting broader attention, or reporting on national stories happening in your state. You could fall back on reporting you've already done and link to your paper's previous coverage, but we'll be looking for a new angle or compelling hook for a national readership — or a first-person piece on a news event. (We might also be able to pay for re-prints if appropriate.)

We'll be looking for anything from short, smart analytical pieces, quirky stories, personal essays, opinion/analysis pieces, long-form investigative features, and anything in between.

Pay would be monthly and based on performance — and we can talk about all that later if this project interests you. I hope you'll want to be a part of it.

If you want to talk, or if you might even have some story ideas already, e-mail CoreyHutchins [at]

If you're not familiar with Medium already, check it out and peruse some of the collections. For starters, I recommend War is Boring (a collection on national security) Human Parts (a collection on the human condition) and The Nib (by political cartoonist Matt Bors.)