AltWeeklies Wire

It’s Good to Be the King’s Election Lawyernew

Chicago attorney Michael Dorf has thrown his hat in the ring for the job of head honcho at the National Endowment for the Arts. Here are his killer qualifications: from the time Barack Obama began his run against Bobby Rush for Congress in 1999 through Obama’s election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Dorf was his election lawyer.
Chicago Reader  |  Deanna Isaacs  |  01-26-2009  |  Art

Bill Ivey Agruse that Copyright Holders are Hoarding Our Cultural Legacy in 'Arts, Inc.'new

Ivey, the former head of the National Endowment for the Arts from 1998 to 2001, passionately believes that the public's right to know--to experience--its cultural heritage is severely threatened by monopolistic corporations, overzealous copyright laws and the erosion of the concept of "fair use."
Metro Silicon Valley  |  Michael S. Gant  |  07-17-2008  |  Nonfiction

Karen Finley Talks About Eliot Spitzer & the Cult of Apologynew

It must be at least a bit satisfying for Karen Finley to have so many politicians apologizing about sex. At the very least, it has provided her with a treasure trove of source material.
Artvoice  |  Caitlin Crowell  |  06-23-2008  |  Performance

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