AltWeeklies Wire

Iraq War Protesters Get Their Day in Courtnew

Seven years after one of the biggest clashes between civilians and police in Albuquerque's history, 11 protesters are taking city officials to court over First Amendment issues.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  02-26-2010  |  Civil Liberties

Violence at the DNC Could Blow it for Obamanew

The DNC is shaking out to be a knee-slapping tragicomic convergence in Denver of 100,000 people taking themselves way too seriously. Even the protesters are serious. And so are the cops. Which is a recipe for the kind of intensity that may even blow it for Obama.
Boulder Weekly  |  Ben Corbett  |  08-25-2008  |  Commentary

Five Years in Iraq: Looking Back, the Left Was Rightnew

They take no satisfaction in knowing that they were right in opposing this ill-fated Iraq war from the outset. All they want is for people to listen to them now.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  03-25-2008  |  War

White House Brownshirts?new

The mysterious "men in black" who kicked a protester out of a Dick Cheney rally may likely have been secret White House operatives.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  02-16-2006  |  Civil Liberties

New York's Love Affair With Uzbek Dictatornew

In March 2002, New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg gave Uzbekistan tyrant Islam Karimov (of the Andijan massacre) the royal treatment.
The Village Voice  |  Ward Harkavy  |  06-10-2005  |  Politics

The Waiting Game: Hundreds Kept in Jail Too Longnew

"You expect it in the former Soviet Union, or Saudi Arabia maybe. But New York City? It's like they took the Bill of Rights and threw it in the trash can," says one man arrested with his brother as they stood on a sidewalk watching anti-Republican demonstrators.
The Village Voice  |  Jennifer Gonnerman  |  09-08-2004  |  Politics

Streets of Rage: How Bush and the GOP Mobilized Half a Million Peoplenew

All week, people have invoked George W. Bush's name in anger and ridicule in documentaries, art shows, poetry readings, even die-ins, all part of the convulsion of creative dissent that his presidency has unintentionally unleashed.
The Village Voice  |  Tom Robbins and Jennifer Gonnerman  |  09-02-2004  |  Politics

Learning from the Anti-anti-Bush Protestersnew

The right wingers on the side of Seventh Avenue may have been missing the point, but they were also showing up some real weaknesses in the antiwar left's own rhetoric.
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  09-02-2004  |  Commentary

Prison Abuse Is Closer to Home Than Abu Ghraibnew

Many Americans who have found themselves on the wrong side of a cop's baton or a jailer's cell door recognize the cruelty and dehumanization depicted in those infamous images from Abu Ghraib prison.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

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