AltWeeklies Wire

The power of wordsnew

People are not "illegals," and we will not be defining them that way.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Mark Kemp  |  07-09-2012  |  Immigration

The Time of The Immigrantnew

Perceptions of The Immigrant vary, to say the least. But all agree that The Immigrant is numerous and growing in number, and that in one way or another, he's changing the face of Arkansas.
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  01-24-2008  |  Immigration

The Return of South Carolina's Nativistsnew

Glenn McConnell introduced legislation calling for a U.S. Constitutional Convention to make illegal immigration even more illegal. He also submitted a bill that would make English the official language of South Carolina and require all state and civic publications be made manifest in English alone.
Charleston City Paper  |  D.A. Smith  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

Beware of the 'Watchdog'new

The dangers of Dustin Gold, New Haven's anti-illegal immigration zealot.
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  12-26-2007  |  Immigration

Border Politicsnew

Members of Louisiana's congressional delegation are hitching their wagons to anti-immigration bills, many with an eye toward business and industry. The drivers, however, are probably more political than anything else.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  12-19-2007  |  Politics

Oregon's Undocumented Immigrants Race to Get ID Cardsnew

With less than seven weeks until new driver's license rules take effect, crowds are descending on the Mexican Consulate to get ID cards that let them get licenses under the more favorable, existing regulations.
Willamette Week  |  Beth Slovic  |  12-19-2007  |  Immigration

'Coming Out of the Undocumented Closet'new

Frustrated by the lack of any progress on immigration reform and unable to participate in the electoral system, undocumented young people are redefining the immigration debate by speaking publicly about their lack of legal status, directly challenging opponents of immigration reform and emboldening others to do the same.
Metro Silicon Valley  |  Raj Jayadev  |  12-13-2007  |  Immigration

The Final Journeynew

One growing business thanks to illegal immigration: burying undocumented Mexicans abroad.
Willamette Week  |  Beth Slovic  |  12-12-2007  |  Immigration

Why Immigration May Not Be Such a Big Issue After Allnew

If the national press is to be believed, the failed efforts of the Bush administration to achieve any sort of immigration reform have left this nation in the grip of an immigration dilemma of crisis proportions. Yet if a recent Albuquerque town hall is any indication, the much-ballyhooed crisis will eventually turn out to be the most oversold worry since the Y2K computer calendar sneeze.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  11-20-2007  |  Commentary

A Mexican Steinbeck's Work Resurfacesnew

More than 80 years after it originally appeared, this novel's themes resonate, for then as now, the United States and Mexico are wrestling with the consequences of record migration under a system that marginalizes the lowest-skilled workers.
The Texas Observer  |  Michele Wucker  |  11-05-2007  |  Books

Joyce Kaufman is Talking Up a Stormnew

The Florida radio host wins fans by flaying a new enemy: undocumented immigrants.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Amy Guthrie  |  10-30-2007  |  Media

Intended Consequencesnew

An organization funded by an alleged hate group helped write Oklahoma's illegal immigration law.
Oklahoma Gazette  |  Ben Fenwick  |  10-25-2007  |  Immigration

Is an Immigration Crackdown in the Wings?new

Activists and business owners await "No Match" ruling.
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Chris Meagher  |  09-24-2007  |  Immigration

Helping Deportees Lawyer Upnew

Most people arrested and imprisoned in the United States are assigned lawyers to help them navigate the legal process -- not so for immigrant detainees facing deportation.
Dallas Observer  |  Megan Feldman  |  08-13-2007  |  Immigration

Are Immigrants Scared Away from New Haven's ID Cards?new

The city cards are supposed to make people safer by allowing them to open bank accounts and prove who they are to police or other officials when necessary, not to spotlight their immigration status -- but some immigrants remain wary.
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  08-07-2007  |  Immigration

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