AltWeeklies Wire

Voter ID Lawsnew

Voter ID laws have become a political flashpoint in what's gearing up to be another close election year. Supporters say the laws — which 30 states have now enacted in some form — are needed to combat voter fraud, while critics see them as a tactic to disenfranchise voters. We've taken a step back to look at the facts behind the laws and break down the issues at the heart of the debate.
Gambit  |  Suevon Lee, ProPublica  |  08-28-2012  |  Elections

Creating Crimesnew

This year, like most years, has seen a rash of bills up for consideration by state lawmakers that would create new crimes—and stiff penalties.
Gambit  |  Staff  |  03-31-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Love For All means Everyonenew

Amendment 1 would discriminate against thousands of people. Meet some of them.
INDY Week  |  CLACK  |  03-31-2012  |  Politics

Prosecutors Weigh In on a Bill Would Make Child Neglect a Felony in Marylandnew

Lisae Jordan can tell stories about child abuse and neglect that would make most people's stomachs churn. Children tied to chairs by parents and not allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. Kids locked in closets during the day.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Erin Sullivan  |  03-16-2010  |  Children & Families

New Year, New Laws! Six New Laws for Oregonnew

LUCKILY, New Year's resolutions aren't legally binding. But the new Oregon laws covering everything from TVs to tenant's rights that went into effect on January 1 are, so listen up or pay the price.
The Portland Mercury  |  Sarah Mirk  |  01-07-2010  |  Policy Issues

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